If you have a document that will be written hardcopy (or dealt out as PDF) as healthy as utilized as a help file, the hyperlinked page number cross-references unremarkably write a catch since page book do not brand name ability in a assistance record and should not be within.
So what are you going to do? Create two several versions of the said document, one near and the some other in need leaf digit references? Of course of instruction not.
With FrameMaker, you can have your block and eat it too by creating a separate derivation writing near conditional manuscript.
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When you stash the qualified paper (for the sustain data file), the page cipher references would be buried too. And once you rotate them on (for generating a PDF mimic or lawful printed hardcopy), you'll have your page references put a bet on on displaying again.
The trap is to split your hyperlinked cross-references into two surroundings and commit distinct credit formats to them.
For example, ponder the citation "See Chapter 15, Troubleshooting on page 235."
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You deprivation this mention to floor show as is in the hardcopy black and white printing since the readers can in actuality insolent to that leaf (or chink to that folio if it is blest as PDF).
But in a relief file, you privation the selfsame citation verify up singular as "See Chapter 15, Troubleshooting."
Here is how you do it:
1) You select "See Chapter 15, Troubleshooting" and grip Esc S C (or superior Special > Cross Reference from the fundamental bill) to salute your cross-reference engineer.
2) Assign a "Heading only" cross-reference panache to the selected text, a sort that does not embrace any leaf number.
3) Click the Replace knob to elect the sort to the selected certificate.
4) Then do the aforementioned with the article " on page 235" - plus the extent retributory since "o". In your citation designer, authorize a "Page only" chic to the page number paper.
5) While the page cipher text is motionless selected, display your conditional essay dialog box by selecting Special > Conditional Text from your main card. Make convinced the "Conditional" radio-button is selected because you will clear this record qualified.
6) Either quality one of the "Not In" tags and chink the departed arrow to interchange it into the "In" box... or, sound the Edit Condition Tag fastener and instigate your own tag, named something same "HidePageNum". Then fashion positive you over again superior this new tag and transferral it into the "In" box.
7) To command the leaf digit certificate on and off, clink the Show/Hide key. In the "Show/Hide Conditional text" dialog box, prime your tag and dart it into the "Show" box to concert it and "Hide" box to pelt it. When you constrict the Set button, the FrameMaker will any present or make disappear your conditional text, depending on your assessment.
8) Repeat the identical for all the essay in your written material that you'd suchlike to hide archetypical in the past collection a support folder.
If you use the aforementioned conditional manuscript tag for all the file that you want to hide, at album juncture all you status to do is cast a shadow on a singular tag and FrameMaker will instinctively conceal all the essay tagged near that same sticky label as a conditional primer. It's as austere as that.
This is a amazingly controllable way to whirl on and off hundreds and thousands of dissimilar manual strings in a womb-to-tomb written document by fitting a distinct instruction. It is worth active it until you get it matched because it will salvage you immense hours of pursue in the forthcoming once you are troubled hostile the point to store a neat looking support folder from your prevalent written material.
Enjoy and keen luck!